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Journal about the city

Current research, interviews and analysis of urban living

Reconstruction, Economy, Housing, Development, Governance

Reforming Social Housing in Ukraine: European Expertise and Local Challenges

An interview with Teresa Czerwińska and Grzegorz Gajda from the European Investment Bank on financing and reforming Ukraine’s social housing sector.

Grzegorz Gajda, Kateryna Farbar, Teresa Czerwińska

Reconstruction, Housing, Public space, Governance

Affordable Housing in Ukraine: Expert Julie Lawson on Policies and Strategies for Reform

Urban planning expert Julie Lawson discusses approaches to rental regulation, social housing, and land policy in tackling Ukraine's housing crisis.

Anastasiia Bobrova, Julie Lawson

Housing, Culture

This Is an Address: films about housing at the FILMA feminist film festival

Films that look at housing not in terms of architecture or aesthetics, but as a basic human right.

Anastasiia Bobrova

Reconstruction, Housing, Participation, Governance

Planning a City for Living: discussion

On the vision of the future in the context of urban planning

Reconstruction, Housing, Participation, Governance

How regional policy can contribute to a balanced recovery: discussion

What is necessary to be rethought in the context of the war's impact on Ukrainian regions?

Reconstruction, Participation, Governance

Cities, War and Vulnerability: discussion

How to create inclusive, barrier-free home for different people?

Reconstruction, Participation, Governance

Problems and prospects of housing policy: Round table

How to create conditions where all people would have quality, affordable and comfortable housing?

Reconstruction, Development, Governance

Ukrainian Urban Forum 2023. Declaration

Declaration made by representatives of civil society organizations, grassroots initiatives, local governments, professional and academic communities

Reconstruction, Participation, Governance

Comprehensive recovery of Ukrainian cities

Key Messages of the Urban Forum 2023 Opening Ceremony

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